Pray With Us


When you pray for one of the requests below, DON'T FORGET TO CLICK "I PRAYED FOR YOU" to let the requestor know that their request has been lifted up in prayer.

Prayer Request

Terry Wilburn

Prayed for 4 times

Hello, I’m asking prayer for myself today. I’m really down, angry and confused about the job I have. I have applied for some other jobs because this job isn’t what Interviewed for. I would like that door to be open sooner rather than later I’m praying for the strength and wisdom to get through this storm here at work. Also asking prayer for my manager as she is very inexperience in her role which makes my job very difficult.

POSTED ON: June 27, 2024

Terrence Wilburn

Prayed for 11 times

I’m asking prayer for my new job that I started in January. I work for 3DR Labs a post processing images dealing with MRI and CT procedures. Also a better understanding of my role and increase in sales for new business.

POSTED ON: March 6, 2024


Prayed for 18 times

I’ve got several family members who struggle with alcohol abuse. My prayer is not just fir those in my family but others who struggle with this as well. I see the negative affects both Spiritual, emotional, and now more negative Physical effects. I asked the Lord Jesus to give them the strength to overcome.

POSTED ON: December 5, 2023

Terrence Wilburn

Prayed for 8 times

I’m asking for prayer for my panel interview tomorrow. I’m praying I give them the answers they’re looking for as well as a timely decision on the position. Let me bold in my answers and confident that it’s already done.

POSTED ON: November 21, 2023

Terrence Wilburn

Prayed for 6 times

I’m praying for my mother-in-law Clynta Spear that’s she doesn’t have a blockage in one of her arteries. I’m praying that it’s her blood pressure medication that has her pressure low. If it is a blockage it’s something that’s fixable by medication and a full recovery with no issues.

POSTED ON: November 21, 2023

Terrence Wilburn

Prayed for 6 times

I’m asking prayer for my wife Carla Wilburn, who’s having a extended biopsy procedure tomorrow morning. May she wake up from this procedure and the results are negative.

POSTED ON: October 9, 2023

Terrence Wilburn

Prayed for 14 times

Preston Kelly (SE Regional Managee) for Ziehm wants to hire me. He told me he’s waiting on HR and should know more this week. I’m praying that HR will give the go ahead for me, as well as anyone else in the hiring process. Also I’m praying to keep sound mind during this process.

POSTED ON: August 28, 2023

Ha-young Shin

Prayed for 21 times

I humbly request in prayer that Jesus Christ would carry out the following for you and each one of us(Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook):

1) I ask that the Son of God designate us as those who directly reveal the Father God. As a result, we all hope to have true knowledge of the only God of truth and of the King Jesus Christ whom He sent.
2) May the kingdom of God and his righteousness really come upon each of us.
3) Remove all blinders from our eyes, which you have called the lamp of our bodies.
4) Please send your angels and command that your intended harvest be accomplished among us.
5) Grant us the sole advocacy of the one and only God against our adversaries.
6) Enable all of our bodies to live and witness the Salvation of Elohim.
7) Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
8) Lord Jesus, please take all that we have requested and make it your own work, and may it be fulfilled according to God's will, not man's.

POSTED ON: May 12, 2023