Welcome to Trendsetters Virtual Church.

Trendsetters Church is not Just a place you can go it's something you become. Though we do meet frequently for worship, our goal is to change the way we walk out our faith in the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to challenge christians first with united themed based messages. These message and themes are unique to Trendsetters and are designed to create supernatural power through unity and caused exponential growth through application of God's word.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a worldwide network of men women and youth who know understand and walk in God's original intent and place for mankind.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to help facilitate the restoration of God and His word back to their rightful place in the hearts and minds of His people.

Our church ministry

Our church ministry stays connected through our Trendsetter Virtual Church App available though the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Download the app and get connected with our ministry.

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Vulputate donec ac nisieleifend arcu quis iaculis massaam ullamcorper quamet molestie.

Vulputate donec ac nisieleifend arcu quis iaculis massaam ullamcorper quamet molestie.

Our church Sermon

Our church Sermons are always based on one of the Twelve Trendsetters Themes and No matter your age or life-stage, there's always something to get from the message that will change your life for the better. The TVC App is a great way to get plugged into our ministry. Join us on Sundays 11:00 am at one of our many taping location throughout the year.

Latest Event on Praise church

No matter your age or life-stage, there's always a way to get plugged in one of our ministries. Join us on Sundays throughout the year.

Saturday, May 15, 2020, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

2101 Justin Rd., Flower Mound, TX US 75028

Saturday, May 15, 2020, 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

2101 Justin Rd., Flower Mound, TX US 75028

From the Blog

No matter your age or life-stage, there's always a way to get plugged in one of our ministries. Join us on Sundays throughout the year.


Etiam lobortis exut eros tempus venenatis simple dummy text.

02, May, 2018Posted by :realf8th

Duis odio metus, bibendum non augue ac, tristique aliquam odi liquam viverra venenatis porttitor raesent ornar [...]


Heading Title for Latest News For Church Lacinia Nulla

02, May, 2018Posted by :realf8th

Duis odio metus, bibendum non augue ac, tristique aliquam odi liquam viverra venenatis porttitor raesent ornar [...]


Heading for Mauris interdum urna eros tempus venenatis

02, May, 2018Posted by :realf8th

Duis odio metus, bibendum non augue ac, tristique aliquam odi liquam viverra venenatis porttitor raesent ornar [...]